Statement upon the arrests of U Tin Oo, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and their
Assistance Association For Political Prisoners(BURMA)
U Tin Oo and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi were forcibly returned to their homes
in Rangoon in the early hours of August 1, 2000. They are being locked
in their respective residences after a nine day stand-off in their cars
in which they were prevented from travelling outside the capital.
Although the military junta denied that U Tin Oo and Daw Suu were under
house arrest, it is believed that their telephone lines have been cut and
no one is allowed to meet with them. As a result of being returned to
Rangoon by force, many suffered wounds and injuries including Daw Suu.
The junta said that they are in good health. However, it is hard to
believe that U Tin Oo, Daw Suu and their colleagues are in good health as
they are under house arrest and behind bars. Meanwhile the authorities
ordered the members of NLD from Dala township not to go out of town and
some were detained and questioned.
We, the AAPP, want to express our deep concern for the health and safety
of NLD members and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been detained in her
house. We request the International Committee of the Red Cross, an
independent organization, born of a desire to bring assistance without
discrimination to the wounded, to meet and cure the injured NLD members
who are now in Insein Prison and to inform people of their
We, the AAPP, strongly urge Japan and ASEAN countries that have close
relations with the Burmese military regime to pressure SPDC to release
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other NLD members unconditionally. In the mean
time, we would like to urge international ambassadors, journalists and
independent organizations, such as Human Rights Association, to try and
discover the state of their health and safety.
We, the Assistance Association For Political Prisoners (Burma), condemn
the Burmese military regime for their attitude to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,
Noble Peace Prize winner, who was under house arrest from 1989 to 1995,
and we call on the Military regime :
1) To release Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners
2) To respect fundamental human rights
Note : The following list is the members who were sent to Insein prison
and their brief BIO.
1) Name : U Soe Myint (aka Thakhin Soe Myint)
Positions : Member of CRPP and NLD Central Executive Committee
Remarks : He was detained in Insein Prison for 3 years after the
1990 election.
Age : 78
2) Name : Dr. Myo Aung
Positions : Member of Assistant Committee to Youth and
Chairman of Dagon Myothit Township )
Remarks :
Age : 50s
3)Name : Htun Zaw Zaw
Positions : In Charge ( Central Youth ) and
In Charge ( Mon State Youth )
Remarks : He was detained in Insein and Tharawaddy prisons from
Jun 1998 to Dec 1999. He was release for his deteriorate eyes
condition. ( NLD released a statement in
Jan;2000 about his health condition and release.)
Age : 35
4) Name : Myo Nyunt
Positions : Member ( Supporting Committee to Central Youth )
Member ( Rangoon Division Youth )
Secretary( Alone Township )
Remarks : He was detained in Insein prison for a few months in 1996
and 1997.
Age : 35
5)Name : Htun Myint
Positions : Member ( Bahan Township )
Remarks : He is the car driver of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. He was
detained together with DASSK in their car arrests when they made some
trips outside Rangoon in 1998.
Age : 32
6) Name : Thein Lwin
Positions : Youth Member ( Tharkayta Township )
Remarks : He was detained in Insein Prison about 1 year ( Sep 1999
to Jun 2000 ).
Age :
7)Name : Aung Htoo
Positions : Member ( Pazundaung Township )
Remarks : He was detained for several months in 1996 and 1998.
Age : 37
8)Name : Khin Oo
Positions : Youth Member ( Mayangone Township )
Remarks : He was detained a few months in Aug 1998.
Age :34
9)Name : Moe Thaw (a) Pauk Pauk
Positions : Youth member of Kamaryut Township NLD
Remarks : --------------
Age :25
10)Name : Myint Kyaw
Positions : Staff Member of Central Youth Office and
Youth Member of Tamwe Township NLD
Remarks : He was detained in Insein Prison for 3 years in early
Age : 33
11)Name : Shwe Gyo
Positions : Youth Member of Hlaing Township NLD
Remarks :
Age : 36
12)Name : Than Htun
Positions :
Remarks :
Age :
13)Name : Nyan Lin Aung
Positions : Youth Member ( Hlaingthaya Township )
Remarks :
Age : 19
14)-Name : Aye Nyein Lin
Positions : Youth Member of Hlaingthaya Township NLD
Remarks :
Age : 19
15)Name : Than Htun
Positions :
Remarks :
Age :?
16)-Name : Thein Swe
Positions : Member of Supporting Committee to Central Youth and
Member of Irrawaddy Division Youth.
Remarks : He was detained several months in Insein Prison when
DASSK was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on 10-12- 1991. In1996, he was
detained for 2 years in Pyapon Prison together
with his father U Min Swe, a private teacher and NLD MP ( Pyapon-2).
Age : 30
17)Name : Zaw Min Kyaw
Positions : Member ( Supporting Committee to Central Youth )
Member ( Lewe Township, Mandalay Division )
Staff Member (NLD-HQ)
Remarks : He was a high school teacher in Hlegu, Rangoon Division.
In 1998, he was forced to resign by authorities. He has been
suffering stomachache for 8 years.
Age : 31
18)Name : Min Aung Nyo
Positions : Member ( Mon State Youth )
Remarks : He is the driver of U Tin Oo, NLD Vice President.
Age : 31
Assistance Association for Political Prisoners(Burma)
Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma)