Statement on the 13th Anniversary
Commemoration of the 8.8.88 People's Power Uprising for Democracy and Human
Rights in Burma
August 8th, 2001 marks the 13th anniversary of the Eight 8.8.88 people's
uprising in Burma for anti-militarism and pro-democracy. Since 1962 under
totalitarian military rule, Burma has been denied democracy, national unity,
peace and national development, and has rapidly deteriorated to become one of
the poorest countries in the world. The historic 8.8.88 uprising was a symbol
of national unity among all democracy forces and ethnic nationalities
organizations with the call for freedom, justice, rights and change within
During the 1988 democratic movements, students, religious leaders and people
from all walks of life demonstrated their courage and unity in the struggle to
abolish totalitarianism and restore democracy, in spite of the brutal
suppression of the so-called socialist regime. The 8.8.88 people's uprising was
notably considered as a progression of past democracy and independence
3. On
August 8, 1988 alone, thousands of students, religious leaders and people were
slaughtered, and many thousands were put behind bars. Thousands of other
students and political activists left for liberated areas to continue their
fight for democracy and human rights and new resistance forces were established
to pursue the struggle against the military regime. In order to decelerate and
annihilate these democratic movements, the regime which had unlawfully seized
power, decided to hold a multi party general election with the purpose of
prolonging military rule.
Up to
this day, the 1990 election results have been ignored and the national
constitution is being drafted by the regime's hand-picked representatives. Many
of the elected members of parliament and democracy activists are still in
prisons. Many political parties have been forcefully banned and existing
political parties are intimidated and harassed.
Independence, the political conflicts between the ruling governments and ethnic
nationalities have not been solved. The military regime has marginalized the
cease-fire groups in terms of economics, race and religion, exploited drug
production, and has increased military aggression especially in ethnic States.
the country's economy, social values, education, health, literature, culture
and all areas of national development are collapsing, and people are living in
bitter and disgraceful situations.
5. With
mutual respect and equal status, we, the democratic forces and ethnic
nationalities organizations, on behalf of the people of Burma, wish to settle
the country's political problems by peaceful means. However, a genuine dialogue
has not yet taken place, instead only brutal oppression by successive regimes.
It is hard to accept that the current secret talks between Daw Aung San Suu
Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and the military
regime are genuinely making progress.
leaders, Chairman U Aung Shwe, Vice-chairman U Tin Oo and General Secretary Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi are still under de facto house arrest; many of the NLD senior
leaders remain in prison; there is no freedom of communication and movement
between the political parties; and the results of the on-going talks have not
been disclosed.
order to proceed and achieve a genuine dialogue:
Chairman U Aung Shwe, Vice-chairman U Tin Oo, General Secretary Daw Aung San
Suu Kyi of the National League for Democracy, and other respected leaders
should be released unconditionally and the party must be allowed to function
without restraints. Other political parties should also have freedom and rights
for their political movements.
Prominent student leader Min Ko Naing and other detained political prisoners
ought to be released unconditionally.
Political forces and civil society organizations ought to be allowed to
assemble and campaign for their political engagements.
- The
direction of on-going political talks between the NLD and the SPDC ought to be
- The
SPDC ought to allow the NLD to have an equal political status.
6. The
ethnic nationalities should play a significant role in part of the dialogue
process in order to build internal peace, national reconciliation and a genuine
federal union.
7. On the
13th anniversary of the 8.8.88 democracy uprising, we would like to emphasize
that our fight for democracy has not come to an end yet. Along with democratic
forces and ethnic nationalities organizations, we will carry on our struggle
until we achieve national reconciliation, democratic rights and a genuine
federal union of Burma.
honor our fallen colleagues who sacrificed their lives for the restoration of
democracy and human rights in Burma.
League for Democracy (Liberated Area)
Party for a New Society
Burma Students' Democratic Front
Burma Federation of Student Unions (Foreign Affairs’ Committee)
7th, 2001
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Affairs' Committee
All Burma
Federation of Student Unions.
Box ( 122 )
MAe Sot
Province, 63110
Email: :,
Tel: :
66 55 542 724
Fax: :
66 55 542 724
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